
About Restons

Who are Restons Solicitors?

We are a long established law firm that acts on behalf of lenders and debt purchasers to recover debt, we do not purchase debt.

Why have we contacted you?

If you have received a letter or email from us, it is because we have been appointed by one of our clients to help recover money owed to them. Lenders and debt purchasers will typically appoint solicitors like us when their attempts to engage with their customers regarding their debts have failed, either because they haven’t been able to get in touch or weren’t able to come to an agreeable solution.

It’s our job to find a solution agreeable to all parties. We will make sure that any repayments you make are affordable to your individual circumstances, and we will treat you fairly and with respect at all times. We are committed to ensuring that repayments remain affordable, so we will periodically review your case to make sure you can continue repaying at the agreed rate. If at any point your situation changes, you can contact our friendly team and they can talk you through your options.

The next steps

It’s best not to ignore our letters and bury your head in the sand, as we may be asked to commence legal action against you, which could have a negative effect on your credit file and increase the outstanding balance further. The sooner you speak to us; the sooner we can come to a suitable resolution and work towards clearing the outstanding balance.

If you think some free and independent legal advice might help you, please see a list of organisations and charities that can help you here.

If you would like to see some commonly asked questions about the legal process, please click here.

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